The big box company has been “juicing” your search results to show products that give them the largest return…. But since algorithms are technically protected under the First Amendment, Amazon can show you whatever results they please. 1. This means you can buy Amazon’s loyalty by giving them more profits.. 2. Who said juicing was only for athletes? 3. It’s all speculation anyway right?
Our friends at Google tightened their belt on showing rich results like the review stars. Make sure your pages and schema is in compliance with these new rules or you will become part of the 3-5%... That’s when a review rich result didn’t show compared to normal.
Or at least that's what I imagine because they are absolutely everywhere. EVERYWHERE. TripAdvisor has decided to take action against the 1.5 MILLION fake reviews posted in 2018 by bringing those bad boys down. I.e. blocking or removing them. Hey Google, Where you at? And can we get TripAdvisor a cape? #TripAdvisorforpresident
This new report/dashboard is there to help you debug the issues on your site and also shows the page’s position in the site. Of course your HTML has to be structured but it is definitely neato-frito and handy dandy if you have subpages.