Marketing has been around almost as long as the written word. If you are selling a product getting the message out is critical to your success. Major media is a time-tested way to accomplish that goal.
Major media -- usually considered to be print (newspaper, magazines, etc), TV, and radio -- has a long history of helping deliver a business’s message to consumers. Thanks to significantly large distribution channels, major media has long been viewed as the go-to way to deliver your message. Major media can help you reach a vast number of people quickly.
This distribution can lead to tremendous exposure for your company. Anyone within the local viewing area, radio antenna range, or newspaper delivery footprint can potentially hear your message. This shotgun-style approach enables you to expand your reach and spread news about your products and services to a geographically and economically diverse set of areas. And, thanks to the repetitive nature of commercials, you can be fairly certain that your ads will have a pretty solid saturation rate for potential customers.
Major media also offers a significant amount of creativity. Television messaging is different from radio messaging and both are different from newspaper messaging. Because of those differences, there is a need to craft unique ads for each medium. This allows you to come up with a variety of types of ads to most effectively speak to each audience. Creativity and originality are some of the greatest benefits associated with major media marketing. Each audience demands and expects something different. Partnering with major media allows you to reach people where they are and in the way that best appeals to them.
However, there are challenges associated with major media. First and foremost, accurate tracking is difficult. This means that while you may be spending a rather significant amount of money to market, there is no way to determine your exact return on investment. The number of newspapers sold does nothing to tell you how many people reading them saw and acted upon your ad. Similarly, just because someone heard your ad on the radio does not mean that they called or visited you as a result. Television commercials have long been an opportunity for people to use the restroom, make some food, or attend to something else while waiting for their show to return. Now, thanks to DVR technology, people can record programs and skip commercials altogether. Just because your commercial is airing does not mean it is being seen. Without accurate ways to measure how people are responding when and if they see or hear your ad, it’s difficult to know whether you are effecting real change.
The other consideration to make relative to major media is the reduction in consumption from traditional means. Newspaper readership and subscriptions are not nearly as high as they used to be. More and more people are subscribing to music streaming services which allow them to hear music without listening to ads. And, as everyone is aware, television has changed as rapidly as anything else in the last five years. More people are walking away from cable, choosing streaming services as their means to watch shows and sports.
The changes in major media and the difficulty associated with measuring advertising through these channels are important considerations for your budget and goals.
Major media tends to be a bit more expensive and does not provide the type of real-time feedback you need in order to understand how well your advertising is working. You may be broadcasting to a large area with a large number of people, but there is no guarantee they are receiving and acting upon that advertising. Be sure that you are prepared for this possibility before you decide to go all-in with major media advertising.